
  1. PMM was begun as a way to share teachings developed from studying God’s Word. Each is the fruit of a digging deep into the word. I’ve come to deeply value the resulting process that evolved from investing in my own spiritual development in this way. While uncertain how or if to share in the beginning, indeed sharing it and using the “digging deep” process as a framework for most content I share with others has become found its place in the sun of Patricia Marino Ministries.
  2. This platform also allows me share fresh and vibrant curriculum resources that support myself and others hungry enough to diving deeply in pursuit of reflection, understanding, insight, and revelation of the miraculous and life-changing wisdom of God’s word.
  3. PMM exists as a formal ministry in that purposes to engage and exhort believers in the study of impactful biblical principles in a community of similarly minded and thirsty others.
  4. However, it is also purposed to be a place of introduction for beginners too. As it is not a read thru the Bible, but rather an effective way to target and mine for marvelous nuggets embedded in ones favorite passages of scripture.
  5. It can actually provide a novice the basis of a personalized study. Why? It will take you from uncertainty to a comfort level with digging deep’s three principles and six concepts to support and guide you as you explore a place or passage you feel led or drawn to explore for deeper understanding and incorporation into your life.
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